The caption reads:
It came on the final race of the second round of eliminations for Pro Stock. A rematch of the Pro Stock final at the Amarillo World’s Finals. Wayne Gapp, consistently in the 8’s, had led all qualifiers the previous Sunday at 8.90 but Jenkins had also qualified in the 8’s at 8.99, and in the first round had cut a somewhat dubious but nonetheless mind-boggling 8.64!
An extremely close contest was virtually assured, with Jenkins seeming at that point to be Chevrolet’s best hope for upending the Ford domination of the class.
The result: Gapp – 8.91, Jenkins – 8.96, both turning top speeds of 151.77 and Gapp the winner by a scant five foot margin. With this run, Jenkins became the first 8-second Pro Stock loser!
I like your blog and want to thank you for keeping this info about your Dad alive. It is important that we keep info available for the younger generation and those of us who are older, but were not old enough to know much about your Dad
Maybe I should clarify my comments. I was born in 1959 so I was quite young when reading about Wayne Gapp and Gapp and Roush in the late 60’s and early 70’s. I did put together some (Revell maybe) models of Gapp and Roush drag cars.
Thanks for your comments. I put together the site for a few reasons but one of them is that by the time I knew what was really going on my Dad had retired. Quite a bit of the info is new to me.
Thanks again.
– Jeff Gapp
Wonderfiul site, brings back a lot memories for me, I can remember Gapp & Roush coming to Dragway Park in Cayuga Ontario and the car was always in pieces, it was almost like a reality show watching them bring the car out of the transporter and assmeble in front of the fans man those were the days!