Another pic of the Taxi from the Wide Web.

Another pic of the Taxi from the Wide Web.
This is from ’75.
The bits inside include a biography of the two principals, discussion of the vehicles and a few photos.
Maverick’s. Here’s the first one. Blue. The second was red. This one was pretty much a standard car that was tubbed, etc. The second was purpose built.
The Tijuana Taxi, owned and driven by Wayne Gapp. That’s Mr. Bill ‘Grumpy’ Jenkins in the other lane.
I titled this one “So you’re saying I have a chance?”.
Hard day at the track!
One of the cleaner pics that I’ve seen.
What could this be?
How unfortunate it’s not the original Taxi. Be nice to see it on the track.
UPDATE (11-11-2009):
A member of the Maverick forums located here stated the following:
It’s funny to see the taxi in your pic, Jeff. The brown four door that was used in that project, built by Holzman Race Cars, was sitting for sale on my way to work in someone’s yard. I saw most of the build up at Holzman’s. It’s neat to see it in your photo.
Pretty cool.
If you’re into Maverick’s and Comet’s point your browser at the web site ( and take a look at the place. Lots of good info.
Check out this link.
Fine way of providing information.
Dad at work. I’m not sure why the headline is “The checkered history of Pro Stock’s most unique factory hot rod”. Nothing checkered about the ride…just taking advantage of the rules.
This is a great write-up not only about the ‘Taxi’ but it catches my Dad’s personality quite well. If you are reading closely you can catch some other interesting tidbits.
The Checkered History of Pro Stock’s Most Unique Factory Hot Rod